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Expectation Liberation

It is spring, but it doesn’t quite seem like it yet. When I think of spring, I expect warmer days, new blossoms, and birdsong. We are getting some of that, and we did have a warm day not long ago, but then it got cooler again.

Funny thing is, I like cool days. Living in a place where it doesn’t stray very far from 70 degrees year-round, coolness is rare enough here that I delight in the refreshment that it brings. However, my expectation of warmth actually hinders my enjoyment of this relatively fleeting cool period.

So it may be with life…relationships…vacations…jobs…etc.

When we bring our expectations of what should be onto what is, we often miss the beauty of the actual at any given time. Days could be different if we chose to acknowledge unexpected blessings rather than to lament thwarted plans. How might we appreciate people and find support in relationships if we were to embrace each individual’s qualities rather than criticize what we perceive as their flaws?

Base level expectations are important for healthy relationships and functional lives, but I wonder how much we limit our living by continually seeking to fulfill expectations.

Being open to what each day presents and each person brings may lead to unimagined riches. My encouragement is to throw off expectations wherever possible and free yourself to receive gifts that you might otherwise overlook.

Warmth, blossoms, and birdsong will come soon enough. Today, enjoy a cozy blanket and a cup of tea!

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