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Living as You

I have often pondered what it is about dogs and babies that leads most humans to melty hearts and adoring feelings. What I concluded was that babies, dogs (and animals in general) are usually exactly what they are. They are genuine beings just being exactly what they are. There are no roles played, no masks worn, and no monitoring of emotions. We know who they are and where we stand with them. There is great comfort in witnessing such raw expression of existence.

As we develop from infants into children, we start to learn how we must modify ourselves to fit reasonably into society. This is a necessary process if people are to live in harmonious community. Unfortunately, in our society, we don't stop at harmonious; we move right past that to competitive. Suddenly, being our reasonably socialized selves is not good enough; we must be as good as or better than our perception of everyone else. Thus, we take on many characteristics that more closely reflect the values of society than of our own hearts and souls. Often in the process, we lose touch with the substance of our being.

If we can take time to re-learn about ourselves, discover our true motivations and identities, and find the courage to live as we are rather than as who we think we must be, we can experience the joy, liberation, and fulfillment of just being. A life lived as you is a life truly lived.

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