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Expectation Liberation
It is spring, but it doesn’t quite seem like it yet. When I think of spring, I expect warmer days, new blossoms, and birdsong. We are...
What Can I Do?
Today, I find myself writing from a place of desperation. Our country seems to be encased in dissent, anger, mounting hatred. The mandate...
Just pondering…at some point the world became a place I no longer recognized. It’s as if it happened around me while I was going about...
Spiraling Up
It is New Year’s Eve, and I am contemplating the human tendency to embrace milestones and seasonal symbolism. For the most part, I resist...
I Am Here
“I’m here.” I associate those words with comfort. Whether we are offering these words to let someone know we are “there” for them or...
My Soul Waits
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; (Psalm 130:5) I would like to offer a few thoughts on a stance that is not...
Being: 3 Gentle Steps to Awareness
Awareness - a term that is tossed around a lot in current times. We are told that awareness is a goal of great value, but the pursuit...
What is Spiritual Direction?
The practice of spiritual direction is often unclear or misunderstood, so I would like to offer a few clarifying points here: THE...
Living as You
I have often pondered what it is about dogs and babies that leads most humans to melty hearts and adoring feelings. What I concluded was...
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